The new orders would be a boon to an industry which has watched its export market shrink after the Arab Spring revolutions and been criticised at home by President Dmitry Medvedev over the quality of its weapons systems.
India is looking to sign a new $2 billion contract for 40 Sukhoi-30MKIs, according to CAST data, and the Russian Defence Ministry itself may soon sign a deal for 24 Mikoyan-29Ks to renew the ageing fleet on its sole aircraft carrier.
"There is a very strong chance that the Indian air force may sign a contract to buy up to 40 Su-30MKI fighters, even by the end of this year," CAST Director Ruslan Pukhov said.

The Su-30MKI was developed by both Russia and Hindustan Aeronautics, and travels at 1,300 miles per hour at altitude.
"They can't get enough of Russian arms," Pukhov said of India.
India, cautiously watching regional rival China's growing military might, has been the top importer of Russian arms, and the two countries are working on a fifth-generation fighter in a deal reported to be worth around $35 billion.
Delivery of the supersonic jet is expected to begin in 2017.
A Russian fighter was cut from the shortlist in an $11 billion fighter tender in April in favour of two European variants.
"There was a political component to their decision. They knew that they were buying too many arms from the Russians and they knew for diplomatic reasons they had to start balancing out their suppliers," said Pukhov.
The $960 million contract for 24 Mi-29Ks, expected to be signed next year, is for Russia's aircraft carrier, which currently relies on outdated Su-33 planes.
Another deal will be for six Yak-130 light attack aircraft originally intended for Libya before the United Nations imposed an arms embargo on Tripoli, cutting Moscow off from $2 billion in signed deals and another $2 billion in potential contracts.
The top customer for the light attack aircraft is Kazakhstan which is trying to boost its regional clout, Pukhov said, citing defence industry sources.
Russia's arms exports rose to a near-record $10 billion last year and are expected to stay around there for the next few years -- though Middle East violence has since threatened those forecasts.
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