At the MAKS-2011 August 16 revealed that the Defense Ministry refused to buy from the RAC "MiG" 24 aircraft for the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov". Not only that the machine gives the characteristics of a heavy Su-33, so still it turned out that she has a problem with the onboard electronics. In addition, it is still unclear why the plane crashed two months ago on trial in Akhtubinsk - literally fell apart in the air during a complex maneuver.

Electronics ship "MiG" was originally created to supply to India. This country, in 2004 we bought the cruiser "Admiral Gorshkov" aircraft and 29. The fulfillment of this contract has not yet been completed.
Western avionics of the native "guts" of the aircraft are incompatible with Russian hardware. Therefore, for the Ministry of Defence RAC "MiG" Russian Aircraft retrofitted devices - and their quality did not suit the customer.

The military also talk about an inflated price of aircraft.
At the RAC "MiG" is calculated by year's end to finalize the on-board electronics and sign the contract. "Otherwise, the company faces closure after the Indian contract", - the deputy director of the Institute of Military Studies, Alexander Khramchikhin.
The only possible alternative to the "MiGs" is the Su-33 company "Sukhoi". His fighting ability was confirmed by August 17 at the exercises in the Barents Sea, during which two dozen Su-33 successfully boarded by being on the high seas cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" and returned to base. This machine is also interested in China, which has not yet created such a machine for its aircraft carriers.
- MiG-29 is physically newer, as the Su-33 was produced in 1990, and everything else is second - recognizes Khramchikhin.
The problem is that the Su-33 for four years is not performed.
- To restore its production at Komsomolsk-on-Amur, or in another plant will need two or three years - said the representative of the United Aircraft Company, which consists of all Russian aircraft factories and design offices.
Defense talks with the RAC "MiG" continuing, but they are hampered another challenge. Two months ago, crashed during testing of the MiG-29K in dvuhpilotnom version ("SPARK"). Test pilots Kruzhalin Alexander and Oleg Match died.
Cause of the accident is still unknown. According to preliminary reports, the plane dropped off down the wing, may not withstand the stresses.