
British Expert Believes Chinese engines Used American Technology

British military experts believe that China in the development of WS-10 "Taihang" turbofan engines for military use in the process of obtaining business from the United States CFM56 turbofan engine technology.

Russian media said the Chinese WS-10 "Taihang" engine development program comparable to the United States that year's "Apollo" moon program, are extremely important strategic significance. Experts believe that a weakness of domestic manufacturing of advanced jet engines can not become a superpower country.

WS-10 engine thrust does not open when the afterburner is unclear, but sources said it up to 132 kN afterburning. This indicator and the United States of its F-15 and F-16 are equipped with the F110 engine quite.

WS-10 Taihang Historical Development of the engine

Russian media said the United States to China in 1982 provided for the assessment of CFM56II two engines. Although only a commercial engine, but CFM56II the core components – high-pressure compressor, combustor and high pressure turbine is the same with the F110. U.S.

Department of Defense was worried that China will steal by CFM56II advanced engine manufacturing technology, and therefore opposed to the Chinese side. But the then Reagan administration insisted the deal, the Chinese people dismantling the engine and its components in detail. It is reported that it has not returned to the United States the last two engines, because they were "destroyed in a fire."

Russian media said, but just can not get to observe the structure of materials and production methods related to the engine enough information. Then the Chinese also carried out a lot of work, a generic version engine components has been completed.
Development process

WS-10 turbofan engine development work in 1987 in the 624th China Aviation Industry Research Institute was officially launched.

Russian media said, in 1992, basically to determine the main structure of the engine. In addition, the Chinese side in the powder metallurgy, directionally solidified turbine blades and other fields of work have also made great progress.

In 1997, the compressor blades have also been developed to solve the problem, the engine bench test went smoothly. WS-10 flight test engine later received permission.

In 2000-2001, the first station WS-10 prototype was installed in a J-11 (Su -27) and carried out on a high-altitude fighter test (another test used is imported from the Russian engine AL-31F .)

In 2003-2004, China's engineers have ruled out the engine during the test, some of the problems and try to reduce engine weight. After the completion of a series of improvements, the first time China has decided to install two J-11 WS-10 test flight. However, in 2004 during a test flight, J-11 engine on the right side of the fracture due to bearing damage, but fortunately, the ultimate in single-engine plane to fly back condition. The cause of failure was quickly identified and resolved.

2005, WS-10 engine successfully withstood a 40-day test program.

Russian media said that in 18 years after development work started, WS-10 received airworthiness license, subsequent production work was handed over to the Shenyang Aircraft Manufacturing Company. 2006-2007 have been rumors in the news that the Air Force on WS-10 quality of life of the engine and assembly are not satisfied.

However, WS-10 in the next few years or be out of production. Had emerged in 2010 with a WS-10 equipped with two engines of the J-11B fighter photos.

Obviously, WS-10 engine had appeared most of the problems have been resolved. China has also become able to independently produce advanced state of military jet engines.

Now, China's engineers have mastered the advanced jet fighter for the equipment, engine manufacturing technology. It is said, WS-10 WS-10A model improvements have also been put into use. Although the WS-10A in appearance very similar to WS-10, but the former has a guide vane 17 (the latter is 15), in addition, the structure of the engine below the gear box is changed. Another source said, China is also developing the other WS-10 An Improved Model – WS-10B (also known as WS-10G). The new engine has more thrust, longer life, may also be equipped with a control vector nozzles.

Of course, China's engineers to develop new military engine in the process need to solve many problems, but WS-10 engine, its performance has reached the United States in the 1980s the level of similar products, and its improved model, and even more advanced.
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